4Pair x 24 AWG (Cu/HDPE/Al Foil/PVC-FR)
HDPE Insulated, Al Foil Shield, FR-PVC Sheathed Cable

This cable is used for the high-speed transmission of voice and data between central and peripheral systems for frequencies up to 100MHz, for D Class applications in structured cabling systems for buildings. Specifications checked up to 200 MHz

IEC 11801
BS EN 50288-3-1

Insulated core: W-Bl, W-Or, W-Br, W-G
Outed sheath:   p_image7


  1. Conductor : Solid Plain annealed copper, to ASTM B3
  2. Insulation : High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), to EN 50290
  3. Drain wire : Annealed tinned copper
  4. Shield : Al Foil tape with drain wire
  5. Sheath : FR-PVC, TM2 to EN 50290